Mission Statement
Where learning is fun.
Our mission is to provide high quality care and education, in partnership with our families and the wider community
Bentilee Nursery School aims
- For every child to enjoy coming to school to learn through play
- For our school to be a safe, happy and secure environment where children can take risks and learn through their mistakes in a supportive way
- For every parent to be valued as the child’s first educator to enable us to work in partnership to develop our children’s education together so that they can reach their true potential
- For every child to have equality of access to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
- For our children to believe they can be anything they want to be
- For our school to make challenge and high expectations achievable targets in life
- For each child to be encouraged to foster an awareness of and respect for their immediate environment and the wider world around them
- For each child to form positive relationships with their peers and adults
- For each child to be proud of their culture and to share it with others so that mutual respect is achieved in our multi cultural society
- For our school to embrace individuality and to ensure that differences are viewed as positive gifts, each having a purpose in life that can be used to help others
- For the school and community to work in cooperation to give our children real life learning opportunities
End of age stage goals – 2 year olds
Social and Emotional development |
Language and literacy |
Physical Development |
Bentilee Nursery school – End of nursery curriculum goals for the 3 / 4 yr olds
Throughout the year the children will learn to:-
- work co-operatively and form friendship bonds with adults and peers
- show empathy to the feelings of others
- be part of a community (circle time- Butterflies / Caterpillars)
- follow simple instructions
- understand and follow rules
- know right from wrong
- manage basic hygiene and self-help skills
- show confidence in new situations
- name and talk about own feelings
- be able to resolve conflicts amongst peers
- share and take turns
Communication skills
Throughout the year the children will learn to:-
- make themselves understood to familiar adults and peers
- speak in 4-6 word sentences
- use a wide range of vocabulary in a variety of situations
- pay attention to more than 1 thing
- understand why questions
Listening skills
- listen and join in with songs, rhymes and stories
- respond to questions and instructions
- engage in conversation with adult and peers in play
Physical Development Skills
Throughout the year the children will learn to:-
Gross motor
- negotiate space and obstacles through outdoor play: balance, co-ordination, running, jumping, hopping, climbing and skipping
- develop muscle strength through opportunities to dig, scoop and pour
Fine Motor
- develop fine motor skills such as scissor control, manipulating small objects (including paint brushes, jigsaws, small construction, tweezers, cutlery use and pencil control).
- Develop an awareness of how to keep themselves healthy
Understanding the World Skills
Throughout the year the children will learn:-
Culture & community- RE and geography
- about different occupations
- to explore their community and family
The natural world, science and geography
- engage in hands on exploration and experimentation
- explore the world around them using their senses
The past-history
- explore the past including their own families.
Throughout the year the children will learn to:-
- understand that print carries meaning
- enjoys listening to stories, discuss the main events & characters, learning new vocabulary
- join in with rhymes stories and poems
- hear initial sounds in words
- take part in simple oral segmenting and blending
- continue a rhyming string
- count or clap simple syllables in words
- write some letters in their name or write their first name
- form some letters accurately
- use their knowledge of letters / print to mark make in different forms
Throughout the year the children will learn to:-
- recognise without counting (subsitise) up to 3 objects
- visually explore numbers around them
- link numeral and quantity to 5
- develop an awareness of the cardinal principle
- verbally rote count to 10 through songs, rhymes, stories, actions and in their play
- compare quantities- (more, fewer, same), weight, length and size
- recognise, create and extend patterns
- show an awareness of time through class routines
- explore 2-d shape and 3-d shapes
Art and design
Throughout the year the children will learn to :-
- Can make music
- Enjoy moving to music
- join in with simple songs and nursery rhymes
- enjoy singing
Imaginative play
- set up and use small world set ups
- develop simple stories
- Use a variety of tools
- try a variety of techniques
- form simple models
- use colour for a purpose